React Fundamentals & Modern JavaScript
12.08.2020, 09:00-17:00
This workshop is made together with React GraphQL Academy and City of Amsterdam.
Learning objectives
- Learn React principles, such as the React composition model and the one-way explicit data flow, to leverage React’s full potential.
- Understand what it is “thinking in React” and “lifting state up”
- Comprehend how modern React works using hooks.
- Understand how to use a declarative Routing the right way.
- Modern JavaScript
- Modern JavaScript for React – ES6 and beyond
- Arrow Functions, Class syntax, Template strings (literals)
- Destructuring
- Default parameters, REST operator, Spread operator
- Let and Const vs Var
- REST + Spread properties
- Iterators and functional programming in JS
- Modules
- Promises
- ES6 exercise using TDD
- Thinking in React
- The Imperative to Declarative Shift
- React key concepts
- Props & State
- useState hook
- Lifting state up
- One-way explicit data flow
- Props & State
- Introduction to the React composition model
- Virtual DOM and JSX
- React Components, Elements, and Instances
- JSX and React.createElement
- Developer tools
- Routing and Data Fetching
- React Router
- Declarative routing
- Implementing a master-detail web application
- Data Fetching with useEffect hook
- React Router
You need to be comfortable writing JavaScript and HTML to do this exercise. The exercise uses the following ES6 & ES5 features:- Module system (import/ export)
– Arrow functions
– and Array.filter
You need to have node and npm installed on your computer.